School Competition
/School Dance competition was held on 28 September 2019. We had 9 primary schools with 225 students participating , they were so excited and amazing. CAC dancers taught the students for two weeks prior to the competition. Manganje was the dance of the competition. It is a ritual dance from southern part of Tanzania.
The competition ended with announcing winners. 1st place was Kilimani Primary got 4 drums and TZS 200,000/= 2nd place Ngyani Primary School got 3 drums and TZS 150,000/= and 3rd place Makumira Primary School got 2 drums and TZS 100,000/=. We also had a category of best drummer who was Abrahamani Naliene from Kilimani Primary School , best male dancer was Razak Issa from Makumira Primary School and best female dancer was Joan Dickson from Ngyani Primary School. They each received 35,000. School competition is funded by Carol Memorial Funds. Competition ended with a nice lunch. Thank you for all the people who donated on Carol Memorial Funds.