Karibu/Kilifair 2019 in Arusha
/This years Karibu/Kilifair took place in Arusha at the TGT Grounds, close to the Arusha Airport from 7th to 9th of June. The travel, tourism and industry fair has grown bigger and we therefore were seen by even more people than last year.
We again provided the majority of entertainment on stage including Traditional Dance, Drumming, Hip Hop and Beat Box, Dancing with the Audience - Kids and Adults as well as Acrobatics (in collaboration with four local acrobats). Besides, we performed at the VIP party at the prime resort in Sakina on Friday evening covering African and International hits.
Apart from showcasing the varied talents of our artist, we had a booth where people could come to learn everything about the Centre. We were located right next to the Food area with a view to the stage - the best spot we could ever asked for. Aside from talking to us about the centre people came to marvel at our on forex board printed photos, newly printed banners, our promo video and also tried some of our instruments.
It was a great success and we hope to have left a positive impression on all people at Karibu/Kilifair 2019.